10 Tips for families visting Louvre museum

Planning a family trip to Louvre Museum? Discover expert tips, like booking skip-the-line tickets and visiting kid-friendly sections, for an enjoyable experience with children!

Tips for Visiting the Louvre with Kids

Visiting the Louvre Museum with children can be a rewarding and memorable experience for the whole family. By planning ahead, prioritizing key artworks, engaging with interactive resources, and taking regular breaks, you can ensure a visit that is both enjoyable and educational. Embrace the adventure and let the wonders of the Louvre inspire and captivate your family.

How to visit the Louvre with Kids?

The Louvre Museum, a colossal treasure trove of art and history, is a must-visit for anyone traveling to Paris. However, for families, especially those with young children, navigating its vast halls and immense collection can be both exciting and overwhelming. The key to a successful visit is preparation and knowing how to make the experience enjoyable for all ages. From the enchanting Mona Lisa to the impressive antiquities, the Louvre offers countless wonders, but without a plan, you might miss some of its magic or find yourself exhausted too quickly.

Here are 10 tips to ensure that families visiting the Louvre Museum have a memorable, educational, and fun experience. These suggestions are tailored to help you manage your time efficiently, keep the children engaged, and make the most of your visit to this iconic institution.

1. Plan Your Visit in Advance

Planning is crucial when visiting the Louvre Museum with children. Before you go, check the museum’s website for opening hours, ticket prices, and any temporary exhibitions that might interest your family. Consider purchasing tickets online to avoid long queues. Also, download a map of the museum and highlight the areas you want to visit, focusing on child-friendly exhibits. The museum is enormous, and having a plan will help you navigate it without getting overwhelmed.

2. Choose the Right Time to Visit

When is the best time to visit the Louvre? Timing can significantly affect your experience. The Louvre is busiest during weekends and holidays. If possible, plan your visit on a weekday when the museum is less crowded. Mornings are typically quieter, giving you a chance to explore at a more leisurely pace. Also, consider the museum’s late-night openings on Wednesdays and Fridays, which can be less crowded and more relaxed.

3. Prioritize Must-See Artworks

The Louvre Museum houses over 35,000 pieces of art, making it impossible to see everything in one visit. Before your trip, decide on a few must-see artworks. The Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, and the Winged Victory of Samothrace are popular choices, but there are many other fascinating pieces that might capture your family’s interest. Discuss these highlights with your children beforehand to build excitement and provide some context about what they will see.

4. Engage with Interactive Resources

The Louvre offers various resources designed to make the museum more accessible and engaging for children. Look out for the “Visitor Trails” available on the museum’s website, which include themed routes such as “My First Visit to the Louvre” and “From One Masterpiece to Another”. These trails are tailored to younger audiences and can turn the visit into an adventurous treasure hunt. 

5. Take Breaks and Snack Wisely

A visit to the Louvre can be physically demanding, especially for young children. Plan regular breaks to rest and recharge. The Louvre museum has several cafés and seating areas where you can relax. Bringing along some snacks is also a good idea, as it can prevent any potential meltdowns. However, be aware that eating is not allowed in the exhibition rooms, so utilize designated areas for snacking.

6. Explore the Tuileries Garden

After exploring the museum, take some time to unwind in the Tuileries Garden, located just outside the Louvre. The garden offers a beautiful space for children to run around and play, as well as several playgrounds and a carousel. It’s a great way to let the kids burn off some energy after a morning of cultural immersion. You can also have a picnic here if the weather permits.

7. Use Strollers Wisely

Strollers are permitted in the Louvre, but there are some practical considerations to keep in mind. The museum is equipped with elevators, but they can be crowded and sometimes slow. Bringing a lightweight, foldable stroller can make navigating easier. Alternatively, consider using a baby carrier for infants. For older children, encourage walking as much as possible to make the experience more interactive and engaging.

8. Make It a Learning Experience

Turn your visit into an educational adventure by discussing the art and history on display. Ask your children questions about what they see, and encourage them to express their thoughts and feelings about the artworks. Use storytelling to bring the exhibits to life. For instance, you can tell the story of how the Mona Lisa was painted or the mythology behind the Greek sculptures. This interactive approach helps children connect with the art on a deeper level.

9. Visit the Family-Friendly Sections

The Louvre has specific sections that are particularly engaging for children. The Egyptian Antiquities department, with its mummies and sphinxes, is often a hit with young visitors. The Medieval Louvre, showcasing the remnants of the original fortress, can also captivate their imaginations. Exploring these areas can provide a more dynamic experience compared to traditional art galleries.

10. Be Flexible and Patient

Finally, remember that flexibility and patience are key when visiting the Louvre Museum with children. Be prepared to adjust your plans based on your children’s energy levels and interests. If they are particularly intrigued by a specific exhibit, allow extra time to explore it. Conversely, if they become tired or restless, don’t hesitate to cut your visit short and return another day if possible.